Upcoming Exhibitions

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Artificial Intelligence IRL - How Sweden is putting AI to good use
March 30, 2024
Artificial Intelligence IRL

Past Exhibitions

All Exhibitions in House of Sweden


Learning from Sweden - An Exhibition of Yale Urban Design Research (Chalmers University, Älvstranden AB)
Children’s Room & Little Library -` (SI)
Smart Mobility – Taking Transportation into the Future - (SI)
Papier - Bea Szenfeld and Stina Wirsén
Sustain Able Voices - (Svensk Form, IKEA Museum)


Statements - Siri Berg
Urban Challenges (SI)
Children in the City - Little Library (SI)
Funky Town  - Håkan Lidbo
Swedish Dads - Johan Bävman
Glaciers - Ragnar Axelsson (RAX) Icelandic artist
After the Fact, Prozím! Tschechische Blumen and Fideikommission -Ann-Sofi Sidén


The Creative Nation: Swedish Music & Innovation (SI)
Reflections - Karin Broos
Bergman Moods & Images - Nina Sandström  &  Magnus Länje
Fanny & Alexander (Bergmansstiftelsen)
Room for Children - Library & Art Studio (SI, Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern Sthlm)
Studio 54 Forever - Hasse Persson
Ingmar Bergman & his Legacy in Fashion and Art (SI)


Stories of Migration - Sweden Beyond the Headlines (SI)
Where the Children Sleep - Magnus Wennman (UNHCR)
Room for Children – Library & Art Studio (SI, Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern Sthlm)
Invincible Cities - David Molander
Black Thread - Linda Lasson
Light as a Metaphor - Nancy Libson (Iceland)
Witnesses - Anna U Davis


Next Level Craft - Aia Judes
Gender Equality - We’ve Come a long Way Haven’t We? (SI)
Room for Children – Library & Art Studio (SI, Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern Sthlm)
Mats Ek – A Dance Rebel - Lesley Leslie-Spinks
Spirit of the Wild – Mattias Klum
Woodland Sweden – Sveriges arkitekter, Wingårdhs
VIKTIGT by Ingegerd Råman- IKEA
The Swedish Freedom of the Press Act Unfolded – (SI)


Moving a City: A cabinet of curiosities from Kiruna (White Architects)
Welcome Home  Family Room (IKEA)
Steps Forward: Facing the Arctic Climate (Polarforskning )
RYMD: A Swedish Space Odyssey (Riksutställningar)
Room for Children – Library (SI, Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern Sthlm)
The Saga of Ingrid Bergman (SI, Strandverket AB)
Ingrid Bergman – In Sweden! (SFI, AB Svensk Filmindustri)


Facing the Climate (SI)
Von Eckstedstka Gården photo exhibition (Värmland museum)
Future is a Long Story - Ingalena Klenell (Värmland Region)
Homeland – Ingalena Klenell
Imagine Art in Nature at Wanås, Sweden (Wanås Skulptur)


Dressing Swedish: From Hazelius to Salander (Mångkulturellt Centrum, Curator Dr Charlotte Hyltén- Cavallius & Dr. Lizette Gradén)
Memories of Stones - Åsa Nylén
The Enduring Designs of Josef Frank (Svenskt Tenn)
The Third Room (Sveriges Radio Unga + Maja Salomonsson)
United Stockholms of America - The Swedes Who Stayed - Charlie Bennett
100 MIGRATORY - Monica Edmundsson
Different Distances – Fashion Photography Goes Art (SI)


Aluminum –The New Nordic Pine (Möbelriket)
Södrakull Frösakull Photography, voyeurism and abject Modernism (Mikael Olsson on Bruno Mathsson’s house)
To me there’s no other choice – Raoul Wallenberg 1912-2012
Facing the Future – Innovation & Education (SI)
The image of Strindberg (Museum of Photography, Sthlm)
Innovative Sweden (SI)


17 Swedish Designers (Svensk Form)
Swedish Seeds (SI & Svensk Form)
Space for Children ‘’Zero to One & Imagination Station’’ (SI, Kulturhuset).
Hang - Charlotte Gyllenhammar
Facing the Future – Fabric of Life (SI)
Borås Textilhögskola, student award winners presentation
One Two - Karin Mamma Andersson & Jockum Nordström
The Red Little House on the Potomac (Showcase ‘’friggebo’’& play for children)
Welcome Home (IKEA)


The Good – The Bad – The Ugly
Celebration of Knowledge and Health
(Karolinska Institute)
Facing the Future – Health & Care (SI & Swecare)
Virtual Autopsy Table (Interactive Institute)
Mikael Unlimited (ScanPix Sweden)
Facing the Future – Infrastructure & Intelligent Mobility (SI)
Cross Water – Bridges in Focus (Ewa Andinsson)
BALDOS – Luleå University
Room to Play – Build your own infrastructure (Micki Toys)


Voices - Contemporary Ceramic art from Sweden (Galleri Inger Molin & SI)
Sweden from Above (Västerbottens Museum)
Café Bites and Sounds (SI & Swede Center for Audio Migration)
Visual Voltage (SI & Interactive Institute)
Everything is Connected - Mattias Klum
Manna - Food in a new light (Albaeco)
Café Grön - (Swedish Caterers)
Change and Choice - Tasting Green Living (Måltidsvision)
Facing the Future - Sustainability the Swedish Way (SI,Samir Alj Fält, Riksutställningar)
What Lies Beneath: Nature and Urban Landscapes in EU Photography (DC Fotoweek)
The Unknown City Hall of Stockholm (Sthlm Stad)


Welcome to my Home Country (Visit Sweden)
New Sweden - Creative Swedish Design (Beckman’s College of Design)
Folk Costume Details - Helena Hernmarck
Watercolors - Stanislaw Zoladz
The Red Houses (Falu Rödfärg)
Ennesbo - Sandra Binion


Northern Headlights - A Look at Sweden’s vehicle industry
On the Road (Museum of Photography, Sundsvall
Ice of Sweden (IceHotel)
Ice Sculptures by Yves Behar, Lilian Ball, Ingegerd Råman & Ola Rune)
Cold Poles - Hot Stuff (Teknikens Hus)
Wings over Northern Shores - Brutus Östling
Climate Map (Vattenfall)
Bubble Talk - Tina Eskilsson
Satellite Map (SIWI Junior Water Price)
Polar Year Film - Mats Erlander
Tricky Mix (Tom Tits Experiment)
Living Library Reading Room, Astrid Lindgren (SI & junibacken)
DigiWall (Interactive Institute)
Animation and Movie Room (Swedish Film Institute)
I Want you to Know - Ulla Lemberg
Communications for All (Ericsson)
Herbarium Amoris- A Tribute to Carl Linneus (SI)
House of Sweden Goes Virtu-Real (SU, Studio un-real)
Quality of Life - The Design of Swedish Innovations (SI)
Mind Ball (Interactive Institute)


Room for Gotland -Tove Adman, Måna Engström, Kristian Eriksson, Barbro Lomakka
Sweden in Ten Perspectives (The Swedish Institute)
Design S: The Art of Beneficial Design (Svensk Form)
Sweden in Gold & Silver - Curator Göran Söderlund